Modern Pensées

Reconsidering theology, philosophy, culture, economics, and politics

Archive for February 2011

Best Links of the Week

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Incredible story of a geological statistician who figured out the algorithm of winning certain lottery scratch off tickets.

Apparently a higher up Google executive, turned spokesperson for Egyptian opposition group is now missing.  Strange.

Microsoft scandal of Bing copying Google’s search results.

An Open Letter to Evangelicals and Other Interested Parties: The People of God, the Land of Israel, and the Impartiality of the Gospel

The Arab Revolution and Western Decline

Excellent piece by Doug Wilson entitled, “Gravitron Fairies

Christianity Today on the debate of Bible translation how far to go in contextualization into Arabic

U.S. gives secrets about British Trident class nuclear submarines in order to secure nuclear arms deal with Russia.

Kevin DeYoung makes a brief yet cogent case that the principle difference between Liberal Protestants, Evangelical Protestants, and Roman Catholics is their view of Scripture.

91 year old man and his 82 year old wife successfully stand against a robber in their home.  These kinds of folks amaze me… the kind of folks that made this country great.  We need more like them.

Online Universities are future of education says Bill Gates.

A Typical Day of Air Traffic:

Best Links of the Week

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George W. Bush has a few refreshingly rare words for a former president in a recent interview:

I don’t want to go out and campaign for candidates. I don’t want to be viewed as a perpetual money-raiser. I don’t want to be on these talk shows giving my opinion, second-guessing the current president. I think it’s bad for the country, frankly, to have a former president criticize his successor. It’s tough enough to be president as it is without a former president undermining the current president. Plus, I don’t want to do that.

Huge insult during Chinese delegation visit and huge blunder by Obama administration – “A State Insult with Chinese Charateristics.”  This further highlights

Indian government has a $35 tablet computer.

LinkedIn is going public.

Why You Should Always Run Up the Score” – First Things

GOP entertaining privatizing Medicare.

The most sued companies in America.  Surprise, all the usual subprime suspects lead the list…

China keeps ramping up the dollar rhetoric.


FCIC Report – Financial Crisis was Avoidable – I am not sure whether this is the case or not.  It is a rather complex question of whether it was avoidable or not.   It leaves me with the question, does human irrationality not necessitate the existence of irrational bubbles?

Over 99% vote for secession in Southern Sudan

Drug smugglers attempt to catapult drugs over U.S./Mexico border.  Nothing like profit driving innovation… I wonder if they came up with their pot trebuchet idea while smoking pot.

Tons of British Anglicans fleeing the Anglican church in favor of Roman Catholicism

Baseball player walks away from $12 million salary because he says he ‘doesn’t deserve it.’

Rafi Eitan recounts the story of their capture of Nazi Holocaust chief architect Adolf Eichmann.

Truly excellent interview with Francis Ford Coppola:

There is something we know that’s connected with beauty and truth. There is something ancient. We know that art is about beauty, and therefore it has to be about truth.

UN spends $288,700 per “green job”

Consumer confidence crashing in the UK

11% of all homes are vacant in U.S. – this amounts to 18 million homes

Florida Judge rules that Obamacare is unconstitutional.  In the same vein, “Tawdry Details of Obamacare

“Greatest Putt-Putt Shot Ever”

Smooth Criminal on Cello