Modern Pensées

Reconsidering theology, philosophy, culture, economics, and politics

Archive for the ‘Music’ Category

Best Links of the Week

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Google NGrams Viewer – charts book searches over time.  Above is an example of a search for “inerrancy.”  (HT: MQ)

This has to be one of the craziest stories I have ever read: after police did nothing a father in Germany castrates a 57 year old man who was having relations with his daughter… with a breadknife.  The man is on trial for attempted murder, his only comment was, “I saw it as my duty as a father.”

Free Sufjan Stevens Christmas music.

Ron Paul to head up oversight committee of the Federal Reserve.  Awesome.

Mark Dever gives some wonderful reflections on the life of the late Roger Nicole.  Justin Taylor also has a nice writeup here.

Infographic of Facebook relationships.  (HT:  Scott B.)

Some interesting interactive demographic city maps from the NY Times.

Some good commentary from Paul Tripp on false Gospels.

Soft Drink Infographic map:  “Coke”, “Soda”, or “Pop”

There have been mounds of interesting gems mined from the WikiLeaks embassy wires, one of them is some commentary on Cuba’s coming insolvency.

Some solid J.C. Ryle quotes.

NPR’s top 50 albums of 2010.  Either I am pathetic and out of touch or NPR’s listeners are all esoteric snobs (more than likely the former).  I have only heard of maybe 5 of the artists on this list.

Really fascinating video behind the scenes of the Mars Hill video guys from pre-production to distribution.  They have a pretty minimal set of gear (a Red, and a few 5Dm2s and 7Ds) and do a lot with it in terms of a coherent aesthetic that matches the message.

20 Things that will be more expensive in 2011.

U.S. Navy test of railgun:

Some cool stop-motion: