Modern Pensées

Reconsidering theology, philosophy, culture, economics, and politics

Posts Tagged ‘Anita Smith

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Ronnie Smith

Anita Smith, widow of Ronnie Smith, wrote a brief yet beautiful letter to the people of Libya

Brilliant, snarky, and scathing OP-ED from David Brooks in NYT entitled, “The Thought Leader

Barna research supports evangelism on dramatic rise among millennials and in decline among boomers and busters.  If true this flies in the face of a lot of the sound bites regarding “millennials.”

Dalrock on the economic fallout of a culture that is hostile to husbands and fathers, “Progress

Washington Times – “Half of America Strips Religion From Christmas

Apparently researchers in the Pacific Northwest have figured out how to quasi-efficiently produce crude oil from algae

Some really helpful infographics on the state of religions in the U.S.

Francis Chan in a brutally honest piece, “Why It’s So Easy for Leaders to Fake It

Camille Paglia’s piece, “It’s a Man’s World, and it Always Will Be

Interesting interview with Ethan Hawke in Esquire, “What I’ve Learned

I am a sucker for amazing time-lapse: