Modern Pensées

Reconsidering theology, philosophy, culture, economics, and politics

Posts Tagged ‘Foreclosure

Best Links of the Week

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Dealing With Difficult People:  Narcissists.  The best article I’ve read this year.

IBM computer to play against Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter.  Should be another interesting man vs. machine conflict.

Doug Wilson piece entitled “Calvinism, Eschatology, and the New Media

Andy Crouch, “Ten Most Significant Trends of Last Decade

A number of people in California recently won $150 by correctly guessing 4 of the 6 numbers of the California Lottery.  The winning numbers were:  4, 8, 15, 25, 47, 42

Apparently the Catholic Church is doing a realty series on exorcism, but I heard this was news to the Vatican.

New US $100 bills to have 3-D technology.

AIG is recapitalizing.  Unbelievable… have any lessons been learned?

Banks repossess over a million homes in 2010.  Also, foreclosures rising.

Drunk Scientists accidentally pour wine on semiconductors and make some scientific discovery.

WSJ article entitled “Bye-Bye PCs and Laptops

The Catholic Church and science.  Personally, I am a huge fan of science and think there is a fair degree of agreement between science and Christianity, far greater than many acknowledge.

Green blob from Hubble Space Telescope.

Major Dick Winters passed away earlier this month.  Thankful for this man and countless anonymous men just like him.

China’s new stealth fighter.

Haitian amputee soccer.

Is the Black Church Dead?

The precipitating event was an essay posted last February on the Huffington Post by Eddie Glaude, Jr., a young African-American religion professor at Princeton who gave his column the eye-catching title, “The Black Church Is Dead,” and continued that with an equally arresting lead:

“Of course, many African-Americans still go to church,” Glaude began, noting surveys that track the higher-than-average religiosity of American blacks. “But the idea of this venerable institution as central to black life and as a repository for the social and moral conscience of the nation has all but disappeared,” he said.

Best Links of the Week

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Absolutely fascinating article inside the world of custom scholarly papers.  This is a very well-written piece that is quite controversial and provocative.  I would be curious to hear your thoughts.

Article on the really creepy mythic creature, Lilith… anyone still want to go to the Lilith Fair?

Disturbing implications of toll-gated internet opened up by recent FCC proposal.  This is a very very bad idea.  I already hate paying money for data movement over cell phone networks.  I cannot imagine having to pay for tiered internet.  Suffice to say I have a deep disdain for the FCC.

Richard Cohen has a nice even-keeled op-ed piece on the whole WikiLeaks debacle.

WSJ article on woman who has successfully staved off foreclosure for 25 years!

Great interview with writer Scott Patterson, author of The Quants.  An excellent read for anyone interested in game theory, arbitrage, and applied mathematics intersection with economics and finance.

Orlando International Airport is considering dumping TSA screeners.

Pretty crazy photos of some “super-cell” storms.

In what has to be one of the strangest ‘stories’ in a long time… it appears that some of the members of Insane Clown Posse are self-identifying as “evangelical Christians,” and say they have been that way for a long time.  This has to be some kind of PR stunt or maybe the lack of an evangelical worldview is really that bad.

Google jumping into the foray of the ebook market.

Widespread government cover-up over TARP fund allocation.

Pretty cool video statistical look at life expectancy and wealth over last 200 years from the Freakonomics guys:

NorthPoint’s iBand…

Best Links of the Week

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A very disturbing article from CNBC on the massive outflow of Insider selling on the stock market.  This quote scares me.

The largest companies in three of the most important leading sectors of the market have seen their executives classified as insiders sell more than 120 million shares of stock over the last six months. Top executives at these very same companies bought just 38,000 shares over that same time period, making for an eye-popping sell to buy ratio of 3,177 to one.

Survive the Outbreak – this is a really well done video version of the old choose-your-own-adventure books.  This installment is a Halloween special focusing in on surviving a Zombie attack.  (HT:  JBG)

Award winning landscape photography.

If you are in finance, law, real estate, or are a home owner here are three really important pieces explaining really really important backstory to why the big banks have haulted foreclosures.  The collateral damage extends far beyond homes in foreclosure into any home that was securitized and processed by MERS:  Gonzalo Lira, Are All Mortgage Backed Securities a Scam, and NY Times OpEd Piece.

China is ticked about “imported inflation” from the our countries “quantitative easing” (aka money printing).

Students in Australia foil biometric fingerprint readers at school with gummi bears.

Apparently, researchers have found a “liberal gene


Best Links of the Week

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I think some PAC published this video… worth watching

How to use Zotero to organize your personal library.  Zotero has personally saved me literally dozens of hours on a single project I worked on recently.  Any person in graduate school writing papers should use this tool.  The simple firefox/Office plugin will format your footnotes and create your Bibliography and/or Works Cited for you.  Hours saved.  I can’t believe more people don’t use this already.

The French are funny.  They are rioting because their version of Social Security got moved from age 60 to age 62.  I remember them getting all fussy when Sarkozy changed the work week from 35 hours to 40 hours.

Capitalism Saved the Miners

WSJ on the status of the mortgage mess in the U.S.

Spot on TIME Magazine piece on why young Italian professionals are leaving Italy in droves.  For once, an American journalistic enterprise hits a home run on understanding the many layers of Italian culture and economics.  Here is a bonus piece on the trash crisis in Naples, Italy.  I remember the citizens of Avellino getting so upset at their trash crisis that they started dumping trash on the city courthouse steps and lighting it on fire.  Awesome.


Know Your Heretics

An interesting opinion piece on UGA’s new engineering school and the state of education in the state of Georgia.



Best Links of the Week

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"I believe that God made me for a purpose, but He also made me fast. When I run, I feel His pleasure..."

WSJ Article:  How Missionaries Lost Their Chariots of Fire and Why They Should Add the Gospel Back to Their Good Works.  In this vein Desiring God had a great series re-thinking short-term missions as well as the Chalmers Center.

White House Spent $23M of Taxpayers’ Money on Fight to Legalize Abortion in Kenya

Man squatting foreclosed home tells judge in his defense that he “bought it from Yahweh.”  You can’t make this stuff up.

Someone else has finally put into words the frustration of the script of the USPS mandatory upsell.

Man attempts to smuggle 18 monkeys through security and onto plane by hiding them under his shirt.

Ed Stetzer has an insightful post at Challies on “rockstar” pastors.

Black parents give birth to blond haired and blue-eyed baby.

How to win at Rock-Paper-Scissors.

Some of the craziest pools in the world.

Old Spice Voicemail Generator.

The man claiming ownership of 84% of Facebook may actually have some merit.

ESPN mocks itself and the ridiculousness of the “Lebron Decision” special with the help of Steve Carell and Paul Rudd:

HT:  Kevin DeYoung